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How can I expect to improve my business by joining APIC?Your client solutions can improve by gaining access to successful strategies that APIC practitioners have already implemented. Your professionalism can increase by interacting with FAs who, like you, hold themselves to the highest possible standards. You get real time answers that can be implemented immediately. APIC’s unique value is that all the solutions and information shared are specific to the Morgan Stanley platform.
What is the purpose of APIC?APIC was created when a group of advisors came together to share best practices and to learn from one another. The organization has existed for 30 years with the goal of improving the business of our members by sharing the "secret sauce" that each of our members has learned over the years. The organization thrives in a collaborative environment that is fostered by our members.
What is the difference between APIC and PMI?APIC was formed in 1990 with a broader concept, which covers the entire wealth management consulting platform. PMI consists of FAs primarily practicing on the PM (Portfolio Management) platform, where APIC membership is open to FAs on any Consulting Group platform at Morgan Stanley.
Why are the membership qualifications high to join APIC?APIC has set a requirement for membership that allows our members to know that they are among others of a similar caliber. APIC members have demonstrated a consistent desire to learn and grow by seeking designations. The metrics required of membership allows APIC to confirm that candidates for membership run businesses that are similar to the rest of the membership. In addition to the above, all APIC members are expected to uphold the highest of ethical standards.
Is APIC open to other firms, is APIC supported by Morgan Stanley?APIC is only available to Morgan Stanley financial advisors, and is run as a stand-alone professional association without control from Morgan Stanley. The organization does receive an operating grant from Morgan Stanley each year.
Can I use AFG/BDA funds for expenses tied to APIC?In general, yes, however all APIC members are required to seek advance approval from management for any APIC-related expense. Some advisors may receive tuition credit for attendance at the annual conference, but are encouraged to seek approval prior to registration.
Am I able to become a member even if I don't meet all of the qualifications?APIC understands that every advisor is different and each brings a unique perspective to the table. To that end, on occasion, we will extend an invite to specially-qualified advisors. If you would like to be considered, please complete the membership application. Advisors not accepted will receive a full refund of membership dues.
When and why was APIC started? Who were the founding members?Founded in 1990, APIC is an association that is organized, managed and funded entirely by Financial Advisors of then E.F. Hutton and now Morgan Stanley. Our mission is to inspire excellence in investment consulting through collaboration, education and innovation, while always focused on staying client centric. (Type APIC in your 3DR browser to view more information and access the APIC website) Charter Members include: Bill Ankeny, Brian Kelly, Sr., Dan Biederman, Ted Lucien, Rusty Cooper, Dan Roland, Mark Curtis, Mike Sasser, Larry Eckstrom, Robert Scherer, Barry Giller, Sandee Smith, Mary Lynne Hickey , Jeff Wigbels
Can I earn CE as a member?Each year at the annual conference, APIC strives to provide as many opportunities as possible for members to earn CFP and Investments & Wealth CE credit. The conference usually includes an I-W Ethics CE element as well.
What are some characteristics of an APIC member?Has client-centered business practices with consulting as its primary business model focus. Upholds the highest ethical standards.Values collaborative thinking and shares with other professional colleagues. Academically inquisitive thinkers who share intellectual capital. Looks for state-of-the-art solutions for our clients and our consulting practices
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